Fibromyalgia: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Treatment by Mark J. Pellegrino, M.D.
Efficacy of Low Power Laser Therapy in Fibromyalgia: A Single-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial
Musculoskeletal injury as a trigger for fibromyalgia/posttraumatic fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia Study Draws Patient Interest (
Low-Level Brain Stimulation Repeatedly Proven Effective for Fibromyalgia(
Massage Helps Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia Quiz (Take the simple quiz below to test your knowledge of fibromyalgia.)
Post-Traumatic Fibromyalgia: A New Paradigm (12-11-2002)
Fibromyalgia and TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) By Flora Parsa Stay D.D.S.
Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Improving Treatment, Unraveling the Cause
FM Pain or Something Else? Evaluation and Treatment of Common Pain Syndromes of The Chest Wall, Flank, Abdomen, and Groin By Bernard M. Abrams, M.D.
IV Lidocaine Promising in Fibromyalgia Treatment
Co-Infections in Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Other Chronic Illnesses By
Prof. Garth L. Nicolson
Don't Shop Till You Drop December 4, 2002
Fibromyalgia: Beat the frustration, battle the pain By David MacFarlane(Well Journal)
Fluoxetine Effective In Women With Fibromyalgia ( 06-26-2002)
Effective Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia By Kent Holtorf, M.D. ( 02-21-2003)
Growth Hormone Defect Connected to Fibromyalgia( 06-19-2002)
Research: Botulinum Toxin in Pain Management of Soft Tissue Syndromes Including Fibromyalgia & Myofascial Pain Syndrome (Smith
HS, Audette J, Royal MA. 02-12-2003)
Pregabalin Improves Pain and Fatigue Symptoms in Patients With Fibromyalgia By Emma Hitt, Ph.D. ( 02-10-2003)
Management of Fibromyalgia: What are the Best Treatment Choices? ( 07-10-2002)
New Brain Study Finds Fibromyalgia Pain ( 06-12-2002)
Final Results of Milnacipran Phase II Study in Fibromyalgia Syndrome ( 02-19-2003)
Michael E. Rosenbaum, M.D., on Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Resource
Treatment of Fibromyalgia in Detail By Robert Bennett, M.D., FRCP (

June 2, 2003 |
The History of Fibromyalgia ( Fibromyalgia...

Fibromyalgia Patients Have Longer 'Pain Memories' PHILADELPHIA (Reuters Health) Nov 1 - Fibromyalgia patients
experience more pain than other people because their bodies "remember" the pain longer, according to Dr.
Roland Staud, from the University of Florida, in Gainesville, and colleagues. "In normal patients, we
cannot elicit pain with [minor] stimuli," Dr. Staud said. But fibromyalgia patients retain the memory of pain very
well. And they "sum-up" the pain, "so each successive stimuli increases the sensation and it lingers...much
longer." Dr. Staud and colleagues looked at 59 fibromyalgia patients and 65 matched controls without fibromyalgia.
The subjects' average age was 44 years and most were female. The researchers applied intense heat to different parts of
the subjects' hands for 2- to 5-second intervals and studied their response. The findings were presented here at the
annual scientific meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. The researchers found that fibromyalgia
patients had stronger responses to the heat stimuli than control subjects, regardless of the interval between heat applications.
This suggests a problem with the central pain processing function in fibromyalgia patients, according to Dr. Staud.
Fibromyalgia patients also felt pain in a more widespread area compared with the controls, he added. This is
probably related to genetic or individualized mechanisms, and results in a greater sensation of pain. Dr. Staud
is hopeful that the study findings will make physicians take fibromyalgia patients' complaints more seriously. "It's
completely unclear to me why other pain problems, such as chronic back pain, are accepted in the medical community,
while fibromyalgia is not," he said. "Now we are able to provide evidence for central nervous system abnormalities
in chronic pain syndromes like fibromyalgia."