Female Problems

January 5, 2003 |
Should You Be Tested for Osteoporosis? December 6, 2002
ALERT!-Injectable Drugs Prepared by Urgent Care Pharmacy
POWER FOODS Fiber - bran cereal, brown rice, broccoli, cantaloupe, beans, apricots, oats, kiwi, lentils, kale,
pumpkin, pears, strawberries, tomatoes, wheat germ, sweet potatoes Potassium - broccoli, cantaloupe, bananas, kale, pears,
tomatoes Chromium - broccoli Folic Acid - broccoli, cantaloupe, spinach Beta Carotene - broccoli, cantaloupe,
carrots, apricots, mangos, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, collard greens, kale, papayas, peaches, red peppers Essential
Fatty Acids - fish Calcium - broccoli, skim milk, kale, yogurt Iron - lentils, wheat germ Manganese - all whole-wheat
foods, lentils, kale, wheat germ Magnesium - brown rice, wheat germ Thiamine - brown rice Niacin - brown rice,
lean beef Copper - brown rice, mangos, lentils, kale Zinc - brown rice, lean beef, lentils, wheat germ Vitamin
A - prunes, tomatoes Vitamin B - brown rice, cantaloupe, bananas, skim milk, mangos, lentils, kale, wheat germ
Vitamin C - broccoli, cantaloupe, apricots, kiwi, citrus fruits and juices, mangos, pears, strawberries, tomatoes,
peppers, potatoes Vitamin E - margarine, nuts and seeds, vegetable oils, wheat germ Dirty Dozen Triggerers
- (stop all 12 for three weeks, then start adding back 1 at a time, until you find triggerers).**** Possibly due to
intolerances.**** Dairy Nuts (mainly dry roasted) Chocolate
Tomatoes Eggs Onions Citrus
Corn Meat (mostly red) Apples Wheat (bread, pasta) Bananas Filthy
Five - (things to try to avoid altogether) MSG Sodas Alcohol (red wine)
Nitrites (found in cured meats, food preservatives) Baking or frying - use Olive Oil or Flax Seed Oil (not for high
heat cooking though) (A resource - Teri Dorian wrote a book on Healthy Foods)