Support teams can consist of: family,friends,physicians,nurses,physical therapists,pharmacists,clergy,etc. It
is important that we educate our support team about our condition. Unfortunately, many people do not know what FMS/CFIDS is.
What the symptoms are or what to do to help. FMS/CFIDS is described as the "INVISIBLE DISEASE". It is easy
to see crippled joints as seen in Rheumatoid Arthritis, bruises, cuts, and swelling. There are no visible signs of FMS/CFIDS.
Our support teams need us to communicate to them how we feel, what we can and cannot do and the type of support we need.
Our Mission
Our mission is to further promote the interests of our support group to the community. We strive to make a difference by educating
the public and expanding our reach to help others to gain the knowledge to futher understand these chronic illnesses.
"The material provided by this Support Group's web site is for informational purposes
only and should not be construed as medical advice or instructions. This Support Group does not provide medical
advice, is not engaged in providing medical or professional services and does not endorse any treatment,
medication or any medical or professional service.
Consult your health professional for advice relating to medical problems or conditions.
You are encouraged to learn about your own health. Information on our site is gathered from sources considered
to be reliable but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed. This is a self-funded, self-help group."